If you’re new to this landmark, we invite you to take a quick look around our website to learn a little bit about our history, and to discover the many exciting offerings and opportunities waiting for you at this intimate 682-seat venue.
You’ll soon understand why The Murphy Theatre has flourished through the years. Built by the eccentric local business visionary of his time, Charlie Murphy, as a lasting gift to his beloved community in 1918, The Murphy Theatre is still a source of pride for his hometown of Wilmington, and a dynamic destination for the entire state.
We have the most ambitious season on record headed your way, with many traditional favorites mixed in with a slew of original acts playing the historic Murphy Theatre for the very first time. Our long-time patrons understand we never stop looking, never stop shopping for more outstanding acts that we can bring to this stage, so please know that we will be adding even more to this already impressive lineup of top notch entertainment.
And this is just our Saturday nights. Don’t miss out on our incredibly entertaining Smarty Pants Trivia, held the first Tuesday night of each month, free to play for Murphy members. This year we’re bringing back Friday Night Films, with more than 40 movies coming to our silver screen in 2025, with Murphy Members receiving a punch card that admits 2 people to 10 movies, and unlimited free movie admission for our newest membership level.
We trust you like what you see, and that you’ll find it worth the effort and investment to support this 107 year old, 682-seat, 501-C3 non-profit landmark, shining proudly on Main Street, in downtown
Wilmington Ohio.
Kind Regards,
Steve Burnette,
Executive Director
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits, PLUS:
FOURTEEN (14) FREE main floor tickets to any show presented by The Murphy Theatre
FREE ADMISSION to all Murphy Theatre movies
A copy of our history book, “The Historic Murphy Theatre: The People, The Entertainment, The Monument” by Jennifer Hollon
TWO (2) Murphy Theatre t-shirts
TWO (2) Murphy Theatre hoodies/sweatshirts
Unlimited popcorn for 2025 as a member of Charlie’s TUB CLUB
Special Golden Ticket that includes admission for 2 people to ALL Friay Night Films in 2025.
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits, PLUS:
TEN (10) FREE main floor tickets to any show presented by The Murphy Theatre
A copy of our history book, “The Historic Murphy Theatre: The People, The Entertainment, The Monument” by Jennifer Hollon
TWO (2) Murphy Theatre t-shirts
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits, PLUS:
EIGHT (8) FREE main floor tickets to any show presented by The Murphy Theatre
TWO (2) Murphy Theatre t-shirts
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits, PLUS:
SIX (6) FREE main floor tickets to any show presented by The Murphy Theatre
Murphy Theatre t-shirt
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits, PLUS:
FOUR (4) FREE main floor tickets to any show presented by The Murphy Theatre
Murphy Theatre t-shirt
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits, PLUS:
TWO (2) FREE main floor tickets to any show presented by The Murphy Theatre
Murphy Theatre t-shirt
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits, PLUS:
TWO (2) FREE main floor tickets to any show presented by The Murphy Theatre
Receive all Murphy Member Benefits
2025 Members at all membership levels will receive a 2025 Member window cling!
2025 Members at the Executive Producer, Celebrity, Headliner, Producer, and
Director levels will receive Murphy Theatre t-shirts!
Please specify your shirt size(M-3XL) and color (black or burgundy) at registration.
Murphy Members may also purchase additional t-shirts for a one-time membership registration rate of $20 each.
2025 Members at the Executive Producer and Celebrity levels will receive a copy of "THE THEATRE SPEAKS: The Historic Murphy Theatre: The People, The Entertainment, & The Monument" by historian and board member Jennifer Hollon
This beautiful hardcover book is packed with colorful photos and rich history.
*Tickets can be used for multiple Murphy Theatre (only) shows, not outside rentals.
The Murphy Theatre is a 501(c)3 non-proft organization. Because we cannot earn our entire annual operating budget through ticket sales, we rely on tax-deductible donations to balance the budget. 100% of your membership will go to support the annual operation of The Murphy Theatre.
Steve & Linda Glazewski
Larry & Terri Roberts
E. Eugene & Christine Snyder
Dale and Lynne Adkins
Cindy Camp
Bruce F. & Dorothy J. Henry
Laurie & Roger Littleton
The Lewis Family
Mark & Rita Miars
Nacho & Dilly Dilly
Patricia C Thomas
Richard & Billie Baker
Jane Bosworth & Phillip Bogan
Tom and Dori Daskalakis
John & Alice Lundblad
Jeff & Janell Smart
Sam Stratman
Gary Page and Lorry Swindler
Mary Holmes Banner
Jeff & Marsha Bennett
Harry & Judy Brumbaugh
Mike Cluxton and Lori Burton-Cluxton
Jeremy & Toni Carter
Susannah Davids
Teresa and Bob Gallinis
Graphics to Go
James Harris and Cindy Weatherholt
Midge Hiatt and Michael Betuel
Dr. John & Jennifer Hollon
Tim Kay
John & Alice Lundblad
Jason McCarty
Mariann & Kathy McClelland
Lucretia and Michael Mershon
Randal & Pamela Moore
Mikki Fassler & Jay Peterson
Connie & Dick Probasco
Todd & Marnie Reed
Sugartree Ministries
Rick & Michelle Sedlatschek
Bill & Loretta Stackhouse
"R" Heroes USA
Terry Tincher
Keith and Tamara Tofte
Tracey Zachrich
Fadi & Gail Al-Ghawi
Connie Bailey
Marilee (Sewell) Baird
Michael Blair
Andrew & Alison Bond
Lisa Buckley
Ron & Regina Carey
Ronnie Cook & Sandy Elsass
Fred & Susan Ertel
Craig & Belinda Cook
Barb & Denny Deibel
Jeff & Marina Dodaro
Bruce & Peggy Duncan
Fred & Susan Ertel
Ruth Ann Faris
Paul & Colleen Fear
Robert and Beth Gehres
Tom and Jennifer Gerlach
Alan & Karen Gibson
The Dave Gilkerson Family
Greg & Jennifer Grove
David & Debra Hale
Tim & Jean Haley
Edward & Barbara Hamilton
Don, Donna, & Brooke Hayes
Tim and Lana Hazelwood
George Hersey
Gerald & Barbara Hickey
John and Jan Hitzeroth
Roger & Lana Hughes
Don & Sharon Johnson
Judy & Rick Johnston
Mike & Shelley Keiter
Steve and Pat King
Rick Kneisel
Mary Catherine Kozusko
Dennis and Debora Lantis
Don and Cindy Maher
James & Karen Martino
Gary & Cobina Miller
Barb & Donald Moore
Pat Panetta
Butch & Dollie Peelle
Tom Popp
Brad & Darcy Reynolds
Jim & Barbara Rhinehart
Randy & Debbie Riley
Bruce & Fayanne Saunders
Josh and Terri Schlabach
Matthew Smith
Craig & Rebecca Strafford
Marla and Dan Stewart
Taylor Stuckert and Sarah Hawley
Katherine Villanueva
J. Dustin Williams &
Jacob Ingersoll
Vicki Wilson & Greg Shultz
Bob & Marie Zitney
Ronnie Andrews
Dennis & Barbara Atley
George & Colleen Bailey
Kenneth & Karla Barker
Donna Richmond Barnhart
Dr. Ed & Leva Bath
Travis and Angela Bennington
Sandy Briggs & Bob Berning
Shannon & Curt Bone
Jeff and Jill Borton
Rachel Boyd
James & Brenda Brackman
Eileen Brady & Brian Spurlock
Claudia Brausch
Gene and Sharon Breckel
Chuck and Janie Bright
Rob & Dana Butcher
Karen and Bob Carter
Neil & Veronica Campbell
Doug and Melinda Cooper
Denise & Dan Dehan
Pamala Ellington
Charles and Kelly Ely
Nick & Mary Eveland
In memory of AJ Gumley, and Ruby & Herman Fisher
Rick & Vicki Fitzpatrick
Carole France
Wayne & Sheila Fugett
Allen & Judy Gano
Melissa Hatfield
John and Marty Humphrey
Betty Lou German
Matthew & Rebecca Gill
Jim and Sherrill Graham
Sharon Griffith & Bob Gaddis
James B. Gumley
Becky Haines
Larry & Deann Heiing
Jill and Dan Hendershott
Sylvia and Merle Henry
Randy & Mary Hiler
Mike and Linda Hodson
Jason & Katie Hollingsworth
Mark & Nancy Hopkins
Howell Family
John & Claire Howell
Roger and Brenda Howry
Elizabeth C. Huber
Christy Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Carol and John Joy
Susan Kempner
Dan & Nan Kennelly
Joann and Gregory Kidwell
Robyn & Quintin Koger Kidd
Kenneth & Linda Kipp
Normand & Kathy Lewis
Lou Ann Lind
Rick & Sherri Louderback
John & Marisela Mayer
Tammy Maynard & Rick Likovetz
Keith & Cari Middleton
Jim & Jo Miller
Jeff and Heidi Minton
George Moore & Jonna Tarpoff
Melinda & Doug Tilton
Rick & Stephanie Moreton
Tim and Kathleen Norman
Richard and Kathy Oeder
Greg Oliver
Janet & Jim Parker
John Philp
Bob & Meda Pittser
Monica Powell
Myron & Sharon Priest
Jes and Jake Cox
David & Mary Ann Raizk
Larry & Susan Reinsmith
Terry and Jill Richard
Ron & Nancy Rudduck
Terry and Ginger Rupert
Tony Sachetti
Lance & Jeanette Schortmann
Cathy and Mike Shanahan
Ralph & Sue Shell
Hal & Joyce Shunk
Valerie Smart
Gary Sroka and Cynthia Sroka
Jim Teufel & Carolyn Baldridge
Terri & Bob Thobaben
Hugh and JoEllen Vance
Priscilla Wahrhaftig
Lloyd and Jane Walker
Tommy & Carolyn Warner
Bruce & Cindy Warren
Darrell Wilson
Mary & Carl Zaycosky
John & Cathy Zeller
Carrie Zeigler State Farm Insurance Agency
Rodney Alexander
Nick & Sandy Babb
Greg & Patty Ballinger
Tom & Lisa Bargo
Edna Bartodej
Jim Bashore
Fred & Karla Beard
Kevin & Bonnie Bennett
Donna & Tony Berlin
Nancy Bernard
Scott & Staci Birman
Lila & Ed Bisig
Pat & Shannon Black
Jean & Chuck Black
Steve Bradshaw
Colleen Bricker
Ruth Brindle
Shari Brucken
Brian Swihart & Bev Bruna
Jim & Joan Burge
Charlie & Ava Camp
Stephan and Heidi Cecardo
Vincent L Chrisman
Janette & Steve Conley
Amanda Craig
James & Dorthy Creed
Darren and Kara Davenport
Laura D. Davis
Brad & Kim Delaney
Dan Dever
Vivan & Roger Duff
Beth Duncan
Dana & Jennifer (Beal) Dunn
Craig Edgington
Cindy Elliott
Robert and Kathleen Eversman
Catherine Fay
Lyric Rillera & Ron Folkerth
Anton Gehler
Dick & Sharon Gray
Tom & Judy Green
Diana Groves
Chazziz Dj Service
Michele Hangen
Charlie & Rachel Hargrave
Dianna & Gregg Hawes
April Hayslip
Jim & Susie Heimbach
Pat & Rachel Henry
Richard & Kim Hiatt
David Hiles
Christine Hodgson
William Holdren
Gene Howe
Peggy Jackson
Brian James
Beth & Paul Klemetsen
Peter Koomjian &
Melody Shipley
Robert & Deborah Lalich
Krista Latchford
Sandy Leslie and Donald Wall
Don & Jo Anne Lindsey
Jim & Tami Linville
Jim Lucas
Dave & Nancy McDermott
Mark McKay
Rod & Nancy McKay
Jill Middleton
Lois Minton
Onusko Family
Natalie O'Neill
Jason O'Neill
Janette O'Neill
Madison O'Neil
Elizabeth O'Neill
Matthew O'Neill
Shirley Prickett
Samuel Pulley
Patricia & Larry Quigley
David & Julie Redmond
Steve and Tammy Reed
Beverly Roe
Ann Sandler
Bill Settlemyre
Ron & Judy Shidaker
Paul & Cindy Shivers
Lee & Elaine Silverstrim
Darrell & Anne Haley-Smith
Janet Mae Spurling
Bruce E. Staley M.D.
Veronica & Emelia Stewart
Bob L and Phyllis K Storer
Kathy Szczur
Rev. Connor L. Thompson
Pat & Terry Thompson
Tom & Katherine Tigar
Allen & Michele Teboe
Jerry and Janet Townsend
Pattie Trebus
Michelle Truitt
Dr. Audrey Wagstaff & Maura Wagstaff
Marsha Wagstaff
Jonathan and Kay Walt
Tina & Bill Wells
Mabel Wessendarp
Joseph E & Carol West
Barry and Nancy Whiting
Dick and Karen Williams
Mark & Lori Kersey Williams
Janet Wilson
Bradley Wolf M.D. and Family
Mayor Noni Wood
Floyd and Donna Woolever
We appreciate the support of our sponsors, partners, and volunteers for programming, publicity, event, and facilities support.
Copyright © 2021 The Murphy Theatre - All Rights Reserved.
937-382-3643 boxoffice@themurphytheatre.org
Friday, March 28@ 7:00PM
CELEBRATING 5 years of
Saturday, March 29 @7:30PM