Who wouldn’t want to volunteer to work with the lovely bunch of bananas at The Murphy Theatre? Escorting patrons to their seats, handing out programs, taking tickets, cleanup, and that’s just during our shows! There are all types of volunteer opportunities, helping in the office, helping with maintenance, backstage for our Murphy Stage Company shows, in fact, if you want to volunteer just let us know and we’ll sit down to discuss where you feel your skillset best fits our needs.
Click the Button to fill out the Volunteer Contact Form,
or call the Box Office at 937-382-3643
Karla Barker
Ken Barker
Roxanne Beatty
Cindy Bowman
Elishia Breetz
Colleen Bricker
Joan Burge
Cindy Camp
Veronica Campbell
Cheri Cleaver
Tony Davis
Janice Ellis
Kara Ellis
Kolton Ellis
Joan Faison
Colleen Fear
Paul Fear
Sharon Fife
Wayne Fugett
Jennifer Gerlach
Jim Gregory
Margo Gregory
David Hiles
Jennifer Hollon
Jacob Ingersoll
Barbara Kent
David Kent
Rick Kneisel
Randy Kuntz
Denise Kuntz
Ed Lacy
Nancy Lyon
Madelyn Martin
Tammy Maynard
Sue Maples
Lisa McAllister
Mark Miars
Carolyn Noland
Joe Noland
Cindy Smith
Cathie Spilker
Veronica Stewart
Emelia Stewart
Pat Thompson
Terry Thompson
Kari Thompson
Dustin Williams
Mark Williams
Janet Wilson
Jillian Zeigler
Charleen Zurface
We appreciate the support of our sponsors, partners, and volunteers for programming, publicity, event, and facilities support.
Copyright © 2021 The Murphy Theatre - All Rights Reserved.
937-382-3643 boxoffice@themurphytheatre.org
Friday, March 28@ 7:00PM
CELEBRATING 5 years of
Saturday, March 29 @7:30PM